Below are the answers to some of the questions we are frequently asked about Wheels of Time:

What is Wheels of Time?

Wheels of Time is a badge collecting scheme encouraging the exploration of Surrey museums and heritage venues for 5-11 year olds.

How can my child collect Wheels of Time badges?

Visit any of the museums or heritage venues listed on this website and ask a member of the venue’s team for your badge. Don’t forget to scan the QR Code at the venue to log your badges within your online Collectors Portal.

My child is not yet 5 years old; can they take part?

The staff and volunteers at venues can use their discretion for children who are younger than 5 or older than 11, particularly for

  • siblings of children who are between 5 and 11 and
  • children who turn 12 years after they have started their collection.

We do expect younger children receiving badges to have an appreciation of the exhibits and displays at the museums and heritage venues visited.

For how long will Wheels of Time run?

The 2024 season runs from Wednesday 24 July to Sunday 3 November 2024. The Scheme will hopefully continue beyond this year for as long as people enjoy and use it, and for as long as we are able to fund and deliver the scheme. In Surrey it will be reviewed annually.

Why do I have to give information about my child?

We do not insist on you providing information, but the information collected in our online Collectors Portal helps us to monitor how well the Wheels of Time scheme is working and how we might improve it, and it allows you to keep a digital record of what venues you have visited and what badges you can collect next. See our Privacy page for more information.

From where can I get a lanyard to pin the badges to?

You can collect a lanyard at the second Wheels of Time venue your child visits; you will need to show the badge from the first venue visited.

How can my child get an Award Badge?

Roamin’ Rex’s Bronze Award

You will earn a Bronze Award badge when your child has collected 10 Surrey badges (other Area badges from outside of Surrey DO NOT count).

You will receive an automated email from our Collector Portal once you have collected all badges, along with further instructions. We will contact the Wheels of Time venue where you have requested your Award Badge and Certificate to be presented. We will then make your child’s personalised Award Badge and Certificate.

We will normally respond to your request within five days. It can take up to two weeks from your request being submitted to the award being received by the venue at which it is to be presented. Staff and volunteers at the venue will then contact you to arrange a date and time for the presentation.

If you do not hear from the museum or heritage venue within four weeks of your request, please contact us by replying to the acknowledgement email that you receive when requesting the award.

Roamin’ Rex’s Annual 2024 Award

You will earn an Annual 2024 Award Badge when your child has collected all X Surrey badges (other Area badges from outside of Surrey DO NOT count). The request for the 2024 Award must be made by the end of November 2024.

You will receive an automated email from our Collector Portal once you have collected all badges, along with further instructions. We will contact the Wheels of Time venue where you have requested your Award Badge and Certificate to be presented. We will then make your child’s personalised Award Badge and Certificate.

We will normally respond to your request within five days. It can take up to two weeks from your request being submitted to the award being received by the site at which it is to be presented. Staff and volunteers at the venue will then contact you to arrange a date and time for the presentation.

If you do not hear from the museum or heritage venue within four weeks of your request, please contact us by replying to the acknowledgement email that you receive when requesting the award.

Can you replace lost badges?

We do not keep a central supply of badges for all of our venues. The cost of postage and the time that it would take our volunteers to obtain badges prohibits us from replacing lost badges.

To obtain replacement badges you will need to visit the individual venues again.

Can other museums and heritage venues join Surrey Wheels of Time?

Managers of museums and heritage venues, located in in the areas served by Surrey Museums Partnership that may be interested in joining Wheels of Time, should Contact Us to enquire about the Scheme.